Dr Geoff Markov is a Consultant Rheumatologist.
Rheumatology is the specialty in medicine which deals with arthritis, bone, joint and muscle conditions, and various disorders of the immune system.
Your doctor has decided that a specialist opinion and/or treatment of your condition is warranted, and has referred you to Dr Markov. After your consultation, a detailed letter including an evaluation of your problems and treatment plan will be forwarded to your GP for guidance. Please let us know if you would like copies sent to your other treating doctors as well.
At your first visit, please remember to bring your referral letter, x-rays and any test results you have (even if they are not recent), and all your medication including tablets, creams, eye drops, injections etc. – please bring the original medicine containers rather than a list.
If your condition is a WorkSafe or TAC matter, you must bring all correspondence/certificates in addition to your claim number. We will direct bill those agencies only if your claim has been fully accepted and is current.